Pre-trained Language Model (PLM) has become a representative foundation model in the natural language processing field. Most PLMs are trained with linguistic-agnostic pre-training tasks on the surface form of the text, such as the masked language model (MLM). To further empower the PLMs with richer linguistic features, in this paper, we aim to propose a simple but effective way to learn linguistic features for pre-trained language models. We propose LERT, a pre-trained language model that is trained on three types of linguistic features along with the original MLM pre-training task, using a linguistically-informed pre-training (LIP) strategy. We carried out extensive experiments on ten Chinese NLU tasks, and the experimental results show that LERT could bring significant improvements over various comparable baselines. Furthermore, we also conduct analytical experiments in various linguistic aspects, and the results prove that the design of LERT is valid and effective. Resources are available at
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Recent research in clustering face embeddings has found that unsupervised, shallow, heuristic-based methods -- including $k$-means and hierarchical agglomerative clustering -- underperform supervised, deep, inductive methods. While the reported improvements are indeed impressive, experiments are mostly limited to face datasets, where the clustered embeddings are highly discriminative or well-separated by class (Recall@1 above 90% and often nearing ceiling), and the experimental methodology seemingly favors the deep methods. We conduct a large-scale empirical study of 17 clustering methods across three datasets and obtain several robust findings. Notably, deep methods are surprisingly fragile for embeddings with more uncertainty, where they match or even perform worse than shallow, heuristic-based methods. When embeddings are highly discriminative, deep methods do outperform the baselines, consistent with past results, but the margin between methods is much smaller than previously reported. We believe our benchmarks broaden the scope of supervised clustering methods beyond the face domain and can serve as a foundation on which these methods could be improved. To enable reproducibility, we include all necessary details in the appendices, and plan to release the code.
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Person re-identification plays a significant role in realistic scenarios due to its various applications in public security and video surveillance. Recently, leveraging the supervised or semi-unsupervised learning paradigms, which benefits from the large-scale datasets and strong computing performance, has achieved a competitive performance on a specific target domain. However, when Re-ID models are directly deployed in a new domain without target samples, they always suffer from considerable performance degradation and poor domain generalization. To address this challenge, we propose a Deep Multimodal Fusion network to elaborate rich semantic knowledge for assisting in representation learning during the pre-training. Importantly, a multimodal fusion strategy is introduced to translate the features of different modalities into the common space, which can significantly boost generalization capability of Re-ID model. As for the fine-tuning stage, a realistic dataset is adopted to fine-tune the pre-trained model for better distribution alignment with real-world data. Comprehensive experiments on benchmarks demonstrate that our method can significantly outperform previous domain generalization or meta-learning methods with a clear margin. Our source code will also be publicly available at
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空间红外的小型船舶检测旨在将小型船只与轨道轨道捕获的图像分开。由于图像覆盖面积极大(例如,数千平方公里),这些图像中的候选目标比空中基于天线和陆基成像设备观察到的目标要小得多,二聚体,更可变。现有的简短成像基于距离的红外数据集和目标检测方法不能很好地用于空间监视任务。为了解决这些问题,我们开发了一个空间红外的小型船舶检测数据集(即Nudt-Sirst-Sea),该数据集具有48个空间基红外图像和17598像素级的小型船上注释。每个图像覆盖约10000平方公里的面积,带有10000x10000像素。考虑到这些充满挑战的场景,考虑到这些微小的船只的极端特征(例如,小,昏暗,可变的),我们在本文中提出了多层Transunet(MTU-NET)。具体而言,我们设计了视觉变压器(VIT)卷积神经网络(CNN)混合编码器来提取多层次特征。首先将局部特征图用几个卷积层提取,然后馈入多级特征提取模块(MVTM)以捕获长距离依赖性。我们进一步提出了一种拷贝性衡量量 - 帕斯特(CRRP)数据增强方法,以加速训练阶段,从而有效地减轻了目标和背景之间样本不平衡问题的问题。此外,我们设计了一个焦点损失,以实现目标定位和形状描述。 NUDT-SIRST-SEA数据集的实验结果表明,就检测概率,错误警报率和联合交集的交集而言,我们的MTU-NET优于传统和现有的基于深度学习的SIRST方法。
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生成对抗网络(GAN)的适应旨在将预训练的GAN转移到具有有限培训数据的给定领域。在本文中,我们专注于单次案例,这在以前的作品中更具挑战性,很少探索。我们认为,从源域到目标域的适应性可以分为两个部分:全球样式(如纹理和颜色)的转移,以及不属于源域的新实体的出现。虽然先前的作品主要关注样式转移,但我们提出了一个新颖而简洁的框架\ footNote {\ url {}},以解决\ textit {对样式和实体传输的一般性单发适应性}任务,其中提供了参考图像及其二进制实体掩码。我们的核心目标是通过切成薄片的瓦斯坦距离来限制参考文献和合成的内部分布之间的差距。为了更好地实现这一目标,首先使用样式固定来大致获得模范样式,并将辅助网络引入原始生成器以删除实体和样式传输。此外,为了实现跨域的对应关系,我们提出了变异的拉普拉斯正则化以限制适应性发生器的平滑度。定量和定性实验都证明了我们方法在各种情况下的有效性。
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自动检测视网膜结构,例如视网膜血管(RV),凹起的血管区(FAZ)和视网膜血管连接(RVJ),对于了解眼睛的疾病和临床决策非常重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的基于投票的自适应特征融合多任务网络(VAFF-NET),用于在光学相干性层析成像(OCTA)中对RV,FAZ和RVJ进行联合分割,检测和分类。提出了一个特定于任务的投票门模块,以适应并融合两个级别的特定任务的不同功能:来自单个编码器的不同空间位置的特征,以及来自多个编码器的功能。特别是,由于八八座图像中微脉管系统的复杂性使视网膜血管连接连接到分叉/跨越具有挑战性的任务的同时定位和分类,因此我们通过结合热图回归和网格分类来专门设计任务头。我们利用来自各种视网膜层的三个不同的\ textit {en face}血管造影,而不是遵循仅使用单个\ textit {en face}的现有方法。为了促进进一步的研究,已经发布了这些数据集的部分数据集,并已发布了公共访问:。
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本文介绍了一个新颖的自我监督的细粒度对话评估框架(自我评估)。核心思想是建模转弯质量与整个对话质量之间的相关性。我们首先提出了一种新型的自动数据构建方法,该方法可以自动为任意对话数据分配细粒度的分数。然后,我们使用多层对比度学习模式训练\ textbf {self eval},有助于区分不同的分数水平。多个基准测试的实验结果表明,自我与人类评估高度一致,并且比最先进的模型更好。我们对本文的实验进行了详细的分析。我们的代码和数据将在GitHub上发布。
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在这份技术报告中,我们简要介绍了ACM-MM 2022中的PIC化妆视频接地(MTVG)挑战的团队“ PKU-WICT-MIPL”的解决方案。给定未修饰的化妆视频和步骤查询,MTVG Aims是要在视频中定位目标化妆步骤的时间瞬间。为了解决这项任务,我们提出了一个短语关系挖掘框架,以利用与细粒度和整个句子相关的时间定位关系。此外,我们建议限制不同步骤句子查询的本地化结果,以免通过动态编程算法相互重叠。实验结果证明了我们方法的有效性。我们的最终提交在排行榜上排名第二,从第一个方面只有0.55 \%的差距。
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